
PetitFae February 20, 2020 4:02 am

I wanted to like this manga, I really did, but so much of it felt like I was witnessing the plot of a gay porno about a teacher and student with all of the sex scenes in school and in public places. Like you want to be a romantic story or an erotica about a salacious relationship where a teacher takes advantage of his student? You can't have it both ways. I don't give a shit what the fuck Kazuki did. He's a fucking kid. If you're trying to pull some cognitive dissonance shit to help justify the power imbalance in the relationship so that you can get your rocks off without feeling guilty about it, go ahead, but don't try to bring this shit into the real world. That defense won't hold up in court. Trust me, tons of teachers tried using that defense and look where it got them.
Anyway, the manga felt very empty. It was going somewhere but lost itself on the way trying to be something it wasn't. It went down the same road the Kuroneko did. I don't mind sex scenes, but boy did they just take over the plot.
I would have loved to learn even more about Miwa and Kazuki as characters. We have some character development and background information, yes, but since this was a decently long manga (compared to other BL), I would have liked to know more about their pasts. Develop that. We don't know extensive details about Miwa's life. There was so much potential for this story. It just ended up falling flat and not really leaving any impact for me. It was good for what it was worth, but nothing special.

    bliblibloo February 20, 2020 4:42 am

    Actually, this manga style.. I mean if you look at the title panel, you will see that style in a lot of erotica mangas. Its like a company and they all have the same pattern/style.

    So my point is, I think this really is an erotica hhhhahaha like "Fire in his fingertips' or "The Mischievous Incubus"