Yep. The original purpose of cultivation fic was that if you worked hard to improve yourself, eventually you overcome obstacles and impediments, but not necessarily all of them because there is still the problem of karma and retribution. This didn't necessarily matter because the story was about the journey. In these new CFs, the old, powerless soul is just tossed off into space somewhere, and somebody else's soul occupies the body. Along with the new occupant comes super-powers that just keep lifting up, up, up out of nowhere. So, no actual opportunity to evolve, grow or change, and bad karma, like being engaged to crap-suitors, gets blown off with little effort or consequence like a strong fart. In this story, the biggest sacrifice paid for change so far seems to be missing a dinner or two. Everything is geared toward a big showdown climax, but it's all so repetitive because the heroine always wins, the villains always lose. It just moves onto bigger villains, flashier visual effects. And there's no sex. So, all that hubbub with no rumpy-pumpy. Sucks.
Am I the only one who thinks that? Maybe I have read too many reincarnation stories.. I don't know. But what is with the cultivation pills and genius people that grow on the tree like moss (not even people). Very rarely anything truly intelligent actually happens.
Once upon a time there was a bully and the bullied. And then the role reversed. Without any actual hard work to be done or true challenge to be faced. That younger sister actually worked for her setbacks and it was unfortunate that her body was not up to the par. But the FL are always Michael Tyson. They don't need help. They don't feel weak or wobbly.
I think I am a little irritated at the schoolyard bullying stories that jut keeps repeating.