People going on and on about age gap and I'm just wondering if everyone asks for an ID che...

SymphonyForTheQuiet February 19, 2020 5:41 am

People going on and on about age gap and I'm just wondering if everyone asks for an ID check before falling in love to check people's age so they can love them. Or if you're 16 and you date someone who's 17, so it's ok at that time, but one year later when the ages are 17 and 18 and now it's wrong. It just reminds me of this girl I've met in my first year of college. She was 18 dating a guy who was 45 years older than her, and they never cared about what other people said about it, because they made each other happy. Kazuki is young, but old enough to know what sex is and old enough to know what he enjoys or not.

And then keep going on and on about teacher x student relationship, and I laugh even harder. It's not a position or occupation that defines someone's character. It's the person's character that makes them abuse or take advantage of it. Like Kazuki himself used his protected position as student to prank Miwa. Two of these pranks clearly sexual. But no one blinked an eye about that.

And last people go on about how Kazuki is inexperienced. EVERYONE is inexperienced before they get experience things. Virginity doesn't mean taking pleasure in anyone and everyone's touch. And having an experience partner who knows what he/she's doing is not bad at all. Or they forget that it was Kazuki who started to grope Miwa in the library. He seduces Miwa quite a few times, he only doesn't have any kinks so it doesn't stand out too much.

I'm not sure if people are too old fashioned or go with those silly morals without thinking much about it, but I can't honestly understand the problem they have with this stuff. I'm not saying it's a perfect, flawless comic. It's not. I'm saying that after reading something like this, you can use the opportunity to not only enjoy a good read, but to actually question some things we all just accept, but it's not as black and white as it seems.

    SymphonyForTheQuiet February 19, 2020 7:53 am
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    so it's not the age gap, but the idea of purity of a priest an said alter boys (I haven't attendend to a christian church in a very, very long time but aren't alter boys usually all bellow age of 12?). Everyone have different life experiences. Or that having different experiences is a bad thing. Miwa surely is more experienced, but he never looks down on Kazuki's life or problems. He never looks down on him or his feelings just because he's younger or because he've lived the highschool life, truth is he never once said "I've been throu that so I can say corny things superiorly". Not at once. Thou Kazuki have some problems on relying on Miwa sometimes because he thinks he's still a kid, he doesn't want Miwa to solve all his problems just because he's older and understands that Miwa is not a solution for everything like when we rely on our parents sometimes, but he can rely on him to go throu stuff. That's what I like the most here. They have an age difference, and instead of blaming everything on that, they naturally accept it, and deal with the differences, Miwa never looking down on Kakuzi and Kazuki taking his own steps and decisions, relying on Miwa for every little thing, he takes the lead instead of leaving it to Miwa to call all the shots (like when he wanted to make their relationship clear, the library flirt) (one of the things wished for was for a initially gay kazuki who'd try all the kinky gay stuff he saw in porn with Miwa, but that's my personal desire)

    Quiddisha February 19, 2020 11:36 pm

    I swear to God that "age gap" thing is so stupid. People act like if you love /have sex with someone a little or even marginally older than you you're going to die of something. Miwa is literally just another man *eye roll* and Kazuki is not at the point where they're taking advantage of him (like what could happen with someone much younger than him). People just blindly follow that 'unspoken rule' because it exists and don't even sit and think "I wonder how (insert name) could actually be negatively affected in this case".
    Unless there is obvious sign of a toxic relationship (which happens no matter the age) then wtf is the issue? Miwa treats that boy like a fcking princess (╯°Д °)╯╧╧