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This scene where Zishu is reading the book "100 Places You Must Go In Your Life"... reminds me that Zishu spoke often to Wenxu Jiang of wanting to go to those places. That was when Zishu wasn't sick yet. Wenxu never took him anywhere, but he had the gall to take his boy toys to Paris... and other places (passing mentioned in book) with the pretense of it being a "business trip".
In the extra chapters, Wenxu remembers after Zishu is no longer with him (and denies Zishu He's death). He goes to those places that he once promised he would take Zishu. He writes letters to Zishu, of his regrets... but what can regret do after everthing that had happened? Funny, too, that it was in the letter at the end that he confesses that he had been cruel. But it annoyed me when he says he won't ask for Zishu's forgiveness... probably because he felt he didn't deserve it. But, I wanted to say, Zishu deserves at least your apology. He wallows in his self inflicted "punishment", and says he'll wait for Zishu's return. Now it's his turn to feel the cold loneliness.
BTW - this scene in the book is right before Zishu accepts Ai, and initiates that one sweet moment. A sweet and short respite... Ai tries his best to be gentle (afraid he might hurt Zishu who is weak) and declares his love for Zishu. It's Zishu's birthday the next day.
Read the novel guys... with a box of tissues near by.