topnotch art *chef's kiss*

Anonymous February 19, 2020 5:29 am

I don't know how much this signifies, but I'm always dazzled by how the artist paints Haesoo with cool-toned palette, even his complexion looks almost bluish--beautiful yet cold and dolorous at the same time; Joowon with all warm tone and color palette, that scream his burning passion; then Taku with his warm palette but in more subtle--almost neutral way, but always in cool tone, it vibrates calm yet mysterious vibe.

    milf hunter kakyoin February 20, 2020 12:36 pm

    I think the artist has really great sense of color psychology and each color or tone (as what you said) describes the personality of each characters perfectly. If you've read Fools (Yeongha's work before LOH), all the characters' colors are monochromatic, except for the two main characters. Their distinct colors are shown in little details of their clothes like how Eungi is teal and Jungwoo is yellow. Very nice observation!!!!!