I know I’ll get mixed reviews but whatevs

Justupdatepls February 19, 2020 2:48 am

I’m just gonna day it. It kind of bothers me how many people want her to end up with her brother. I, personally, want them to genuinely develop as a family and for them to stop considering her as merely an adopted child (who is a replacement) but as genuine family.

I get it. People ship it because they aren’t related by blood and he gives off MC vibes, but a guy being a bit nice to a girl is not enough in my opinion. Your personal family issues just aren’t excuses to treat people like crap and sit by as others do so as well (I get it, he’s young but I learned this by age 5). He’s changing and that’s nice but still, id like a development as siblings. Seriously, let them just be family. That is a beautiful bond in itself.

Let’s take Johan on the other hand. In her past, he is literally the one who decides to marry her and take her out of an unfavorable situation with the family. As shown in recent chapters, he doesn’t consider her an object and is really respectable as an individual thus far. If it’s not broken why fix it (in regards to them ending up together first time through)

Sorry y’all, but 2020 I’m shipping healthy relationships only.

    EmmJ February 19, 2020 3:16 am

    As much as I like the older brother as an mc candidate (in a redemption kind of way) I really ship her with Johan. I'm liking him more and more and he seems to be a cinnamon roll in any universe.

    Flawnii February 19, 2020 3:35 am

    Thank you!Also are we gonna forget that uh idk they only adopted her because she looked like their dead daughter so the if the brothers do fall in love they are pretty much falling in love to their dead sister Look alike,yikes

    Justupdatepls February 19, 2020 3:44 am
    Thank you!Also are we gonna forget that uh idk they only adopted her because she looked like their dead daughter so the if the brothers do fall in love they are pretty much falling in love to their dead sister ... Flawnii

    Omg I didn’t even think like that. Yeah that would be weird!!! Imagine dating someone who looks exactly like your sibling??? I can’t even date someone with the same name as my sibling

    Like seriously, I’ve rejected every Mark I was slightly romantically involved with because I just can’t date someone with the same name as my brother (unless they go by something else)

    larrk February 19, 2020 3:54 am

    “Sorry y’all, but 2020 I’m shipping healthy relationships only.”

    brooo preach wtf, and johan is such a fucking cutie idk why anyone would ship her with her brother of all people when this cinnamon roll exists, man. fr fr.

    EmmJ February 19, 2020 5:05 am
    “Sorry y’all, but 2020 I’m shipping healthy relationships only.”brooo preach wtf, and johan is such a fucking cutie idk why anyone would ship her with her brother of all people when this cinnamon roll e... larrk

    I am so scared they are gonna give Johan a yandere twist, in that "and now your only options are your brothers" kind of way!

    larrk February 19, 2020 5:11 am
    I am so scared they are gonna give Johan a yandere twist, in that "and now your only options are your brothers" kind of way! EmmJ

    can’t deny that i wouldn’t be surprised. definitely looks like it could be turned into a possibility, seeing as that little possible hints have been thrown throughout the latest chapters. damn i hope it works out for them though, really rootin for the little man.

    EmmJ February 19, 2020 5:13 am
    can’t deny that i wouldn’t be surprised. definitely looks like it could be turned into a possibility, seeing as that little possible hints have been thrown throughout the latest chapters. damn i hope it wor... larrk

    Me too. I generally prefer to be on team cinnamon roll.

    larrk February 19, 2020 5:21 am
    Me too. I generally prefer to be on team cinnamon roll. EmmJ

    jesus me too, but imho?? i’d root for him just as hard even if he did go down the yandere path, maybe even more so. it would bring an interesting twist that definitely wouldn’t be unwelcomed. (n˘v˘)n though i deadass have a thing for your local yandere personality-type character so i’m biased as hell.

    EmmJ February 19, 2020 2:19 pm
    jesus me too, but imho?? i’d root for him just as hard even if he did go down the yandere path, maybe even more so. it would bring an interesting twist that definitely wouldn’t be unwelcomed. (n˘v˘)n tho... larrk

    Sounds like we have similar tastes lol