Loving Nagato x Ai but...WTF

Hana February 18, 2020 7:01 pm

This is the nth time I read this beautiful story between Nagato x Ai and it still makes my heart flutter and warm but the thing is...I still don't get WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT PRIEST STORY? Again I'm telling you, this is not my first time reading this story but no matter how many times I read it, I just can't understand why the fuck that priest even cheated in the first place? Like, what's the reason behind it? Well, maybe the point of the story is to show us how love can be unexpected, somewhat unconditional and blinding (in various ways), but why bother start the story with a guy who suppososedly-have-fallen-in-love-with-main-uke-yet-cheat-with-another-chick without building the story first or at least tell us the reason behind that? I just feel like that was such a half-assed story, the priest one I mean.

    Emerald15 April 26, 2020 9:34 pm

    Ikrrr and he just said he won't repeat his mistake. Like, on what basis has he changed??? 0_o