Yuushin wasn't actually that nice, you know? Sumire's past was heartbreaking and the guy o...

NyaruLee February 18, 2020 9:19 am

Yuushin wasn't actually that nice, you know? Sumire's past was heartbreaking and the guy only cared about his feelings not being returned, nevermind trying to take his love interest out of the dark place he lives in. Nope, just pushing and getting angry because he doesn't value himself. Duh! that comes with depression, and with people that has suffered that much amount of abuse. You have to HELP them heal, not tell them how lousy they are. That's something WE ALREADY KNOW, THANKS. And then, after sleeping with him he just tried to cut ties? Wtf man? Are you for real? The only genuinely good person around this poor uke was mama! And the guy should seek therapy, like, YESTERDAY. His father was trash, and no, my sweet boy, you weren't "dating" that pervert, he raped you and groomed you. Gosh, this is heartbreaking! So much that even the "happy ending" was bittersweet.

He should love himself better, cause no one did, and he doesn't deserve that

    anonienonie February 19, 2020 10:17 am

    Yuushin was what he NEEDED to change his view on his own value and to realise what he WANTED. Had Yuushin stuck around and persisted, even after Sumire pushed him away (that week of sex), I doubt it would have prompted Sumire to realise that he did love Yuushin, and that he wanted the boy back.

    You can tell someone how they should feel over and over again, but unless they come to that realisation themself, it doesn't really resonate and stick. I'm saying this as someone who has extremely low self worth, just like Sumire. You have to remember that you can't help people who won't help themselves, and Sumire was exactly that for a long time.

    Yuushin calling Sumire a cruel man... He's human, he's hurt, of course it's normal for him to lash out as well. He's not a saint, and Sumire, consciously and subconsciously has been rejecting him over and over again and setting up walls. It's exhausting. And yet, he continues on because he loves Sumire. He values Sumire. He wants Sumire to be happy. How anyone can view that as "not nice" is beyond me.

    NyaruLee February 19, 2020 2:19 pm
    Yuushin was what he NEEDED to change his view on his own value and to realise what he WANTED. Had Yuushin stuck around and persisted, even after Sumire pushed him away (that week of sex), I doubt it would have ... anonienonie

    How? Because I'm a depression patient AND I work in the psychology field. And no, you can't handle someone that has depression blaming them for something they have no control of. But you do you. You have your opinion, I have mine. Yuushin wasn't what Sumire needed, but he's what he wanted and what he got. That's it.

    anonienonie February 19, 2020 3:24 pm
    How? Because I'm a depression patient AND I work in the psychology field. And no, you can't handle someone that has depression blaming them for something they have no control of. But you do you. You have your o... NyaruLee

    I respect your opinion, and I believe it's ok to agree to disagree. I will just say this: everyone who has a mental illness copes in many different ways. There is no one size fits all. Even medication usually needs trial and error to find what works and helps you. Same goes for therapists/psychiatrists. What works for someone may not necessarily work the same for another, even if they have been both diagnosed with the same condition. What's always necessary is a support system; but let's not forget that the people who make up the support are just that: people. They too have their own lives and struggles and may not deal with the patient in a perfect manner ie may be curt, say the wrong thing, etc. It's important not to demonise them or guilt them

    To me, Sumire was stuck in his own head, and was happy to wallow in his personal depressive hell. It was obvious that he was NOT going to seek help, regardless of the support he was getting from his co-workers/Mama. Because of all the abuse he'd had to endure, his self worth was non existent.

    anonienonie February 19, 2020 3:43 pm
    I respect your opinion, and I believe it's ok to agree to disagree. I will just say this: everyone who has a mental illness copes in many different ways. There is no one size fits all. Even medication usually n... anonienonie

    (got cut off!)

    Then Yuushin enters his life, and it changes everything. Suddenly, he's not alone. There's someone cooking for him, someone going out with him to places. There is something to look forward to, his environment isn't the same old he's used to. Yes, he notices the kid has feelings for him, but he disregards it and makes light of his feelings. Yuushin, for his part, has his own struggles. He's a gay university kid who has an unrequited love. He just wants Sumire to value himself, to realise that people care about him and that he's not as worthless as he thinks he is. He does this without the expectation of sex, or having his love returned. He just genuinely cares, which is why I'm confused by your comment.

    Lastly, there are some people who can only take that step forward to helping themselves when it feels like all hope is lost. "Tough love" is obviously not advisable, as it usually does not harm than good, but this goes back to the point that there is no one size fits all in mental health. Imo, for Sumire, this is what Sumire needed as that helped him to realise that he was worth something, and that he wanted Yuushin in his life.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only February 19, 2020 8:08 pm

    I don't think you understood the story exactly. And cutting ties part it was Sumire who did it not Shin. Sumire claimed to have sex with him as his other abusive exes. but rejected his confession. As he was insecure himself. He was depressed but I don't think Yuushin didn't do anything to help him.. Sometimes giving company and warmth can be a lot nicer than it seems. Sumore was all alone but he started seeing life in a different way. And trust me on this No man or woman can cure your depression until you urself want to take the brave steps and try to.come out of the darkness