They have their own reputable website to buy online. You have no excuse.
And if you don't have money go find fucking job :)
Even if I have a damn fucking job there is no way it can reach a fucking war zone where I live if I ordered it online. not everywhere is a damn heaven where everything is available you pig. the one who reported this is the most shitty person in the world.
Sounds like if you wanted it badly enough, you could get it. You're not entitled to receive it for free and you know it. The mangaka deserves to be paid, you damn free-loader!
I see retarded kid doesn't know what's digital release so I will explain it to you... It's release that you get on you pc after you pay for it so there is no need to send it by post. Please your excuse is pathetic. You want me to pity you?
so you never read a scanlated work here? not even vf? because i dont see this rage there.
Ohh your otaku ..?
Then make your own web page ..get the raws -.. and translate them your self ..because 90% of the translations here are wrong ..and since you state your otaku then you can actually read japanese ....if not then you my dear are NOT OTAKU
HAHAHHAHAH this made me crack up so much my insides are literally hurting
being an "otaku" doesn't have anything to do with being able to read/speak japanese
it's just a japanese word for being a nerd
and it should be "ohh you are AN otaku?"
"...not AN otaku"
Some people cant get manga's easily...
and buying it online can be hard for my age..(not telling age) I'm mean of course we would buy them if we could. I would have a room full of them :). That would be soooo lovey. And finding a job would be wouldn't be that easy. Come on here in California its a battle field to find a job and a good paying job so that you could buy your fun stuff. I would totally get a job if I could. Im otaku and a buy enough I can afford to lose that's why I only have like 17 books I buy one every two months with the money I save. :) just on a final note I guess to make it fair they should only have the first chapter so you don't buy something you hate...but getting the money to buy all the mangas you want be be so fucking hard :)
@+ . + Is it me or you just compared scanlated manga with one that was purely ripped off? 'cause what was here was orginal english release. NOT SCANLATION!
(in Japan) a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills.
not really a nerd...and you don't have to go all technical because most people would just know what you mean
and people don't really care about if the transitions are correct we are just glad its on the site...
and can and thanks for everything now its off so get off this person and live a life
anonymous obviously didn't know though haha
but whatever i dont really care, im not in the mood to throw a hissy fit bc i was probs one of the few people that actually got to download all the chapters (1-8) before the links were taken down
Badi don't be a sore loser because you live in "a fucking war zone". you are being unfair to the independent artists who are trying to make a living, and you are basically leeching off his hard work for free. if you strongly think the authors are the "shittest person in the world" then you should write him a letter saying that he's shit. i would love to see you do that.
1. There are no places I can buy manga where I live.
2. Buying them online is too expensive and people get tricked.
3. I don't have money.
4. People should understand that sharing manga online is how otakus unite lol. It makes otakus happy being able to read wonderful works online when they can't get their hands on the mangakas works.