It's easier for Rissa to go all out, because...she's heterosexual, though, like heterosexuality is not something which is socially frown upon or whiich ends up with family issues, aggression, etc. Besides, Jensen is going on a _date_ with Rissa. And it's not a "picnic between friends" thing, they were not even friends to begin with, plus Jensen surely knows Rissa is into him. So no, it's not just Niel and his insecure thoughts.

Where does it say Jensen thinks this is a date? Hs Jensen stated for himself through words he likes her? Has Jensen through his actions by kissing her or making out with Rissa? So far it is Niel's misinterpretations and Rissas's hopeful wishful thinking. People of the opposite sex can be just friends despite one party wanting more. And just because Rissa is willing it to be more due to chasing, Jensen has not...How long are people going to use "heterosexual" relationship being the "norm" versus same sex relationships? It is 2020, where same sex marriage and adoptions/families is legit is a lot of countries. Even have a candidate running for president and he's picking up steam. ;)
Are so fickle. So Eugene fucked over your fave poor Niel over but he's hot so what he did is alright and now it's Jensen's turn to feel jealousy. Y'all are crappy shallow people. Jensen has done nothing. It's been Niel and his insecure imaginations. That is why I like Rissa, if only because she fights for who she wants even when she's not getting any hints Jensen likes her. Even if she doesn't know Niel or some other chick is competition. You fight for who you want not make assumptions based on someone else. Maybe he still has feelings for Eugene. If they make Jensen hurt over something he has not done did not do, I will drop this shit. I feel like Niel will get victim excuse and Jensen will somehow have to "prove" he really likes bratty Niel. (︶︿︶)=凸