What happend from Chapter 237 to 238??? I don't understand is there a year skip??

Schnee February 14, 2020 5:44 pm

What happend from Chapter 237 to 238??? I don't understand is there a year skip??

    Sanquin February 14, 2020 9:10 pm

    Seems like they made a mistake, and uploaded chapter 239 as 238 as well. The real 238 should probably come soon once they realize it.

    Sanquin February 14, 2020 9:23 pm
    Seems like they made a mistake, and uploaded chapter 239 as 238 as well. The real 238 should probably come soon once they realize it. Sanquin

    Found another translation site. chapter 238 is indeed "missing" here and replaced by 239.

    Summary of 238: just after Chen beats the white wolf, a plane flies over and drops a powerful bomb. 2 military guys watch from afar and think everyone died. Adam, however, survived. One of the military guys transforms into a red wolf and goes after Adam. Then it cuts to 1 year later. Chen emerges from the icy planes and reveals he's been meditating and reached a much higher realm. 1 realm away from some milestone realm. The tree also survived. He's also worried about how his family is doing. Then it cuts to the group of hikers you see in chapter 239, wondering what happened at the crater. And that's the end.

    Heloise February 14, 2020 11:10 pm

    yeah, also it seems there's missing chapters

    Schnee February 15, 2020 8:36 am
    Found another translation site. chapter 238 is indeed "missing" here and replaced by 239. Summary of 238: just after Chen beats the white wolf, a plane flies over and drops a powerful bomb. 2 military guys watc... Sanquin

    Thank you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Sandikay0 February 15, 2020 4:25 pm
    Found another translation site. chapter 238 is indeed "missing" here and replaced by 239. Summary of 238: just after Chen beats the white wolf, a plane flies over and drops a powerful bomb. 2 military guys watc... Sanquin

    Thank you.