
Kadidja February 13, 2020 4:20 pm

Honestly, what’s with people getting upset with Chloe for saying that he’s a good man?? I get what he did in the beginning was not okay and all, but It seems like she’s the type of person who tries to see the good in everyone and doesn’t hold grudges against people. For her to forgive someone by seeing the good in them, is a strong character to me. Plus, she suffered far worse from her family and her ex-husband, so it’s not a surprise to me that she said that he was a good man ( it’s a bit sad imo). ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Pug life February 13, 2020 5:07 pm

    But honestly that’s her true beauty and strength! It’s her kindness and willingness to see through the naked eye. Also it’s the olden days too, killing was norm

    Kadidja February 13, 2020 5:36 pm
    But honestly that’s her true beauty and strength! It’s her kindness and willingness to see through the naked eye. Also it’s the olden days too, killing was norm Pug life

    Exactly! She hasn’t justified what he did to her nor has tried to excuse his behavior. She was afraid of him to the point she avoided him as much as she could. She didn’t know why he attacked her and her servants in the first place (this was due to her ex-husbands behavior, so of course she’ll get scared by him due to first impressions. She has been with him for a while and he hasn’t once yelled at her, beaten her nor threatened to kill or raper her (unlike that redhead guy and her ex-husband) when she made mistakes or did something he didn’t like. I mean if I were in her shoes, I would start to see some good traits in him eventually.

    Andi February 13, 2020 7:45 pm

    Honestly i agree with you on this. I just thought i was one of the few you thought this way.

    Kadidja February 13, 2020 8:10 pm
    Honestly i agree with you on this. I just thought i was one of the few you thought this way. Andi

    Same. I felt this way since I found this webcomic months ago. Earlier, a lot of people kept saying the author is trying to justify the ML’s actions blah blah but I never felt like this was the case. I mean, he’s a Duke and his actions, for the most part, make sense given the circumstances. I don’t agree with it but it gave a more realistic vibe of how royalty works. And given chloe’s personality and circumstances, it made sense for her to see him as a good man.

    Touka February 13, 2020 8:31 pm
    Same. I felt this way since I found this webcomic months ago. Earlier, a lot of people kept saying the author is trying to justify the ML’s actions blah blah but I never felt like this was the case. I mean, h... Kadidja

    Yes! I agree once again! Plus like you said he is a duke. If you take into consideration the era then he is a lot nicer than what he could be to everyone under him. If I were her I wouldn't really hate him. Her family only looked for her when they needed someone to marry that nasty pervert and just treated her as a chess piece and her good for nothing ex-husband was a really big piece of work. I think this webcomic is great and not only is everything full color but its wonderfully drawn. I am really enjoying it!

    Kadidja February 13, 2020 9:03 pm
    Yes! I agree once again! Plus like you said he is a duke. If you take into consideration the era then he is a lot nicer than what he could be to everyone under him. If I were her I wouldn't really hate him. Her... Touka

    Sameeeeee! I Liked how it’s different from a lot of historical webcomics. For starters, I like how the author is using a controversial topic such as slavery in their work. I found it very interesting for Chloe to want to be a slave again and seeing the joy in slavery. Of course, she’s the exception and slavery is still horrible. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ But, it’s nice to see how a cheerful person like Chloe can LITERALLY see the joy in any shitty situation. I ain’t gonna lie but I would do the same thing. If I was a slave, I would be fine with it as long as I won’t get beaten, rape or abused whatsoever. I had an argument about another reader about the ML and I got bored arguing with them. I tried to explain to them that the Duke, who lives in a very patriarchal and rigid social hierarchy, is not going to treat everyone with respect. I tried to explain to them his behavior makes more sense given his circumstances. And, he’s not that bad. Sure, he still hates women and all but I’m surprised he never killed any woman besides her sister(?) and is treating Chloe pretty well. He ain’t perfect, but he’s getting better. ( ̄∇ ̄")