What is in the water?

Coco goddess February 12, 2020 7:19 am

What is in the water because it's 2020 and everyone on here is in their feelings about other people's opinions. I never seen people take other people's opinions to the heart! I know this isn't new but I see it happening more rapidly.

Do you find just cutting a conversation short on effective?

Do you feel like you get more hate or love when you post your opinion?

Do you like to debate with an open mind or are you set in your opinion?

Any hard limit topics?

I'm just very curious because to be honest I see more people up in arms when your not agree to the status quo than when you are!

Keep it cute, clean, and classy

    sayuri February 12, 2020 7:51 am

    I don't get your point.
    Most people here can't handle a "mature" topics because they get easily bothered and want to be on the right side, without hearing others.
    People mustn't take other people's opinion to heart (also many things irl mustn't be taken to heart) simply because you can get easily affected. Is important to think with mind, not only with heart.
    I cut conversations when I see that is pointless continuing writing.
    I don't need to feel hate/ love here, I'm here to read, so if someone hates me over a comment I don't care.
    I debate with open minded, I get bothered when I see that the other person is narrow minded.
    Conclusion, don't take people's opinion to heart ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ if u find a good debate is nice, but many times that simply ain't possible.

    Coco goddess February 13, 2020 1:17 am
    I don't get your point. Most people here can't handle a "mature" topics because they get easily bothered and want to be on the right side, without hearing others.People mustn't take other people's opinion to h... sayuri

    I wasn't trying to make point if you thoroughly read what I said it's mainly question about feedback on the opinions you give.

    Coco goddess February 13, 2020 1:20 am

    Lol I don't understand the down votes I'm just asking questions. But I guess people can't see past their own aversions.