It's called Cinderella sth? Or maybe not idk.
The college guy is an asshole who did it with a lot of girls. And I think someone got a grudge, something happened in a clock tower.
And he became a girl in the morning and a guy at night. His best dude friend found her and they do stuff (she tried on a bra). She has feelings for the dude bro but every time she changed into a guy, he's like yo no no no homo bro. The dude either dunno or dun believe that she's his homie.
The guy Cinderella got his own harem.
They all thought the guy/girl were siblings.
There was a pumpkin? On the cover.
Something happened again and he/she fainted but woke up on the bed in the infirmary next to each other as both girl and boy.
Their friends (harem) and dude bro came in and was like the end.
Wht if like the scientist guy accidentally made some drink again that split torao/torako into two halves, and torako ended up with kyouhei and torao with tetsuya. I mean it's happened before in a manga I read a long time ago