So this latest chapter starts with Taegyu wondering why people like Ingyu so much with the...

MeowCat February 12, 2020 2:34 am

So this latest chapter starts with Taegyu wondering why people like Ingyu so much with the implication being he's really wondering why people prefer Ingyu over him. Then the chapter ends with him trying to drag Ingyu back to hell against his wishes over a vow that was broken, but only broken because he put Ingyu in the exact situation he was trying to escape from in the first place.
Gee Taegyu, I wonder why no one likes you. Maybe because you're an emotionless stick in the mud with no empathy whose only personality trait is caring too much about following the letter of the law instead of the spirit of it?
I'm hoping Taegyu gets some serious character development before this series is done.

    Seolu February 12, 2020 12:49 pm

    rather, I just think he’s doing his job really. he’s literally forced into doing shit for Ingyu, and it’s not like him getting mad was unreasonable. He needs to keep ingyu safe and sound. Ingyu is a sweetheart but he gives him such a hard time lol

    MeowCat February 13, 2020 1:22 am
    rather, I just think he’s doing his job really. he’s literally forced into doing shit for Ingyu, and it’s not like him getting mad was unreasonable. He needs to keep ingyu safe and sound. Ingyu is a sweet... Seolu

    Yeah, I realize he is just doing his job. I also feel some of his anger is justified, but some of it is self-induced. Taegyu's mission is to babysit some kid that ran away from home because he hated how he was always locked away all the time with the excuse that it was to 'keep him safe'. But then at the first sign of trouble Taegyu locked that kid away without really explaining clearly why it was necessary beyond 'I think it's dangerous and you have to do what I say'. So he put him in the situation he knows he's got a history of running away from, and then he got surprised and mad when he runs away from that too. If he'd stopped sulking about being stuck babysitting some kid and took a couple minutes to observe him and understand his thought process he probably could have come up with a bunch of ways to convince him to stay in the cafe that would have had better success. Example: "You might cause that strange being to gain interest in whatshisface if you keep visiting him at work. Why don't you just stay at the cafe for now?". Because Taegyu's made absolutely no attempt to get to know Ingyu at all he's starting to loose control of him. He's really bad at babysitting.

    Misaqi February 13, 2020 6:19 am
    Yeah, I realize he is just doing his job. I also feel some of his anger is justified, but some of it is self-induced. Taegyu's mission is to babysit some kid that ran away from home because he hated how he was ... MeowCat

    I agree. I think people are forgetting the fact that taegyu’s driven to jealousy and didn’t really bother asking after ingyu’s welfare.