Danger Ahead! Your Guide to Infinity and Beyond!

eternalhysteria February 13, 2020 12:30 am

My Summary so far -

Previously on Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai;
Our main group is the Doushinkai now run by its 4th head Misumi Takahito. Along side him is his right hand man and (I believe illegitimate) son Amou. Misumi has a soft spot for Yashiro, and had planned to elevate him to a higher position within the group (2nd in command).

The Shinseikai are a branch of said group - run by Hirata, under him is our very own Yashiro. Together with his underlings - Sugimoto and Nanahara, they make one fearsome band of misfits. Doumeki, tagged alongside them, was and will forever be Yashiro’s body guard. They never did exchange saki cups did they... Doumeki lost the last knuckle of his left pinky in atonement, for failing to protect Yashiro during an attempt at his life. In other news, Doumeki flies to the rescue when Yashiro is attempting to expose the “yakuza who framed me” - Hirata. Come to find a very battered Yashiro who seems to have accepted death. All in all Doumeki is shot, Yashiro freaks out and gets a rock to the head. Cut to the hospital Yashiro pretends to have forgotten Doumeki. Sweet Doumeki knows it’s all lies but still chooses to step back.

Kageyama is Yashiro’s childhood friend and your friendly neighborhood go to yakuza doctor. Also I guess Yashiro’s first crush. Kageyama likes burning stuff - like his friends skin. Koga is Kageyama’s (former street fighter) boyfriend.

The Matsubara is Ryuuzaki’s branch. Ryuuzaki is very clearly in love with Yashiro. Was manipulated by Hirata - Got him into the drug trade and ordering an assassin/bullet against Yashiro, but Ryuuzaki ordered said bullet to miss - thus Yashiro lives. When poor Ryuuzaki tried to stand up against Hirata, he was stabbed. He was sent to prison for his part in Hirata’s fiasco.

Scumbag Hirata - our previous bad guy. Resented Misumi for favoring Yashiro and trying to promote him above himself. Thus attempted to destroy the group, frame Yashiro for assassinating two execs, and jump ships to the Gouda group. Luckily, his evil plans failed. He was disposed of as you would do in the yakuza world.

Currently on Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai;
We rejoin our heroes 4 years later -
Both the Shinseikai and Matsubara branches Have been disbanded. Ryuuzaki is currently serving his time in prison. Our original group of misfits is currently running a very legitimate shady casino business. Yashiro still uses Detective macho dumbass - exchanging information for sex. It also seems Yashiro’s right eye has been damaged after his fight with Hirata. Currently Yashiro is holding onto an ugly and loud exotic bird as collateral for Shouya Kido, a former Matsubara member.

Doumeki is currently serving the Sakura family under the Sanwakai group. This was achieved with the help of Amou, 007 style. The group is run by it’s leader Tsunakawa, with his right hand man Muraji. Tsunakawa’s daugther Niki likes our Doumeki and thinks of him as a giant puppy (as one should when seeing him). Doumeki saved Niki who was kidnapped by Okuyama, a former member who decided to branch out from the group with his own new brand, now rival to Tsunakawa. Underlings include: Masa, Shinji - was in a hit-and-run while trying to collect a debt from Yamakawa and Shouya Kido (Yamakwa’s manipulator I suppose). Kamiya another underling - is Doumeki’s current partner on debt collecting adventures, suspects Doumeki might bat for the other team. Our sweet Doumeki has clearly become even more taciturn. But he still keeps tabs on Yashiro’s whereabouts and dealings.

They will very soon meet again as both are searching for the same person (Shouya Kido), but thus far it seems only Doumeki is aware of their eminent reunion. Both have now visited the pet shop owner and exotic animal smuggler, while Yashiro set free the animals, Doumeki who came a little later offered to help in the apprehension of the wild animals in exchange for information.

* Doushinkai
Head - Misumi
Right hand man - Amou

* Shinseikai - No longer operational
Leader - Hirata (DEAD)
2nd - Yashiro
Body guard - Doumeki
Underlings - Sugimoto , Nanahara

* Matsubara - No longer operational
Leader - Ryuuzaki (PRISON)
Underling - Shouya Kido (former member)

Kageyama - Doctor, Yashiro’s childhood friend. Koga - Kageyama’s boyfriend.

* Sanwakai
Sakura Family
Head - Tsunakawa
Right hand man - Muraji
Traitor - Okuyama
Daugther - Niki
Underlings - Masa, Shinji, Kamiya (currently Doumeki’s partner)

    biomega27 February 12, 2020 2:42 am

    This was an awesome write up thank you!

    eternalhysteria February 12, 2020 8:38 am
    This was an awesome write up thank you! biomega27

    Glad you enjoyed it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    nugget123 February 12, 2020 1:23 pm

    This helped me to catch up since updates are few, far and between. Thank you!!!

    PinkBoo February 12, 2020 7:14 pm

    Amazing!! Thank you so much for writing this up!

    tumblrlurker February 12, 2020 11:00 pm

    Just a minor correction :

    Hirata headed the Shinseikai, not the Gouda. Under him is Yashiro. His beef with Yashiro was that Misumi intended to promote Yashiro to be the second in command of the Doushinkai Group. It's like a Senior Manager (Hirata) resenting the President who wanted to promote a mediocre supervisor (Yashiro) to be the Vice President. Hirata resents this because (#1) he thinks he should be the one promoted because he ranks higher than Yashiro, and (#2) he's a homophobic asshole who doesn't want to be outranked by what he thinks is a slutty masochistic faggot. Now he wants to switch to the Gouda, but will raise hell in the Doushinkai first as revenge for what he considers an outright insult to his pride. He gets Ryuuzaki to deal drugs and blackmails him to kill Yashiro, but jokes on him cuz Ryuuzaki is too in love with Yashiro to do it.

    For more info : https://domeyashiro.tumblr.com/post/160161982248/yakuza-groups-ranks-and-family-relations-in

    eternalhysteria February 12, 2020 11:24 pm
    Just a minor correction :Hirata headed the Shinseikai, not the Gouda. Under him is Yashiro. His beef with Yashiro was that Misumi intended to promote Yashiro to be the second in command of the Doushinkai Group.... tumblrlurker

    Ahh I knew Hirata’s reasons and motivations, just mixed him in the groups, I’ll fix that - thanks for the comment. Didn’t write too much details oh Hirata cause he’s a total scumbag and I hated his character ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    eternalhysteria February 13, 2020 12:10 am
    Just a minor correction :Hirata headed the Shinseikai, not the Gouda. Under him is Yashiro. His beef with Yashiro was that Misumi intended to promote Yashiro to be the second in command of the Doushinkai Group.... tumblrlurker

    Ohh I just scrolled through your link - it’s great! Very detailed ヾ(☆▽☆)