Am I the only one who actually likes Jihyun?? Like I know he’s all psychotic and junk but I feel like he could really change. I’m kinda hoping that in the end Chiwoo and Jihyun will meet in college and Chiwoo will see how much Jihyun has changed and then they get together. Idk why I just really hate Chiwoo and Kyujin together.
And dat proves he raped him? So you think Jinhyun was just forcefully kissing chiwoo (sexually assaulting Chiwoo which is not as bad as raping someone according to you) but for some weird reason had the need to... Sugakookie
anyway, it's just a fucking story calm your tits. Overdramatic much.
Am I the only one who actually likes Jihyun?? Like I know he’s all psychotic and junk but I feel like he could really change. I’m kinda hoping that in the end Chiwoo and Jihyun will meet in college and Chiwoo will see how much Jihyun has changed and then they get together. Idk why I just really hate Chiwoo and Kyujin together.