Possible spoiler

Iron Maiden February 10, 2020 1:46 pm

I guess

.does anyone here read the Dr.stone reboot: byakuya

So in that story byakuya make a robot and that robot is super duper smart. And guess what that robot is still alive and I guess the next arc is all about that robot and the dawn of lost knowledge and technology.

Ps. To does people who doesn't read Dr. Stone reboot: byakuya, make sure you have a ton of tissue with you ok.

    MoonlightSiren February 10, 2020 2:56 pm

    OMg I know....Tissue needed desparately

    Panda_x February 10, 2020 4:44 pm

    Oh my god yess! It made me cry a lot and omg it was so precious to watch