Help. Please!

LadyWolf February 10, 2020 10:23 am

Hopefully someone can help me, cos I'm not having any luck finding it on my own. I don't remember much about the manga, but I do remember a part that I can't get out of my mind. What I remember about the manga is that this guy starts living with 3 maybe 4 other guys he doesn't know(I can't remember if they are stepbrothers or not and I can't remember why he starts living with them, but what I do remember is that he that the guy that he likes and likes him is in a dorm kind of place ( i think for work not school, i could be wrong on that though) He go through the window to leave because he should not be there. A few people fond out about him but don't say anything because I think he help clean there rooms, don't remember that part, anyway, He is called their pet so no one finds out about him when talking about him. Also I believe the guy he likes he mean to him. I hop someone can help me, cos I have to many manga to go thru to fine it, and it seems my tags aren't helping me fine it lol.

    LadyWolf February 10, 2020 11:01 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nekoszowa

    Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved me, I looked thru so many manga it's not even funny, for this one.