I'm sorry, don't want to be shady but have to correct you there, homosexual/gay is literally only falling for the same sexe, just like heterosexual/straight is only falling for the opposite. What you mean is either bisexual or pansexual/omnisexual. Bisexual is falling for either sexe while pansexual/omnisexual is just falling for a person regardless off sexe. Though I'm more shaky on the last one so please correct me if I'm wrong. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Yes I get that and I think it's a wonderfull way of thinking ^^ but it's always good to know the correct terms and meanings behind them, because some people really love their catogories and find a sense of belonging in them. Without their catogories they think they'll be all alone in the world. When you break with the meaning of a term, some people will get really angry (saying this out off experience) because you take away the thing that made them belong in the world and with which they made sense of the world around them. The retaliation can be really scary..
Yeah, exactly my point, begin gay doesn't mean the opposite sexe had disappeared, you could like whoever you want, love has many kinds and shape so why limiting yourself ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~