I need help

Sarupe February 10, 2020 12:38 am

I read this manga (Yaoi btw) about this man (MC) who works and has someone younger (or the same age as him) waiting for him outside his house each day and that person is in love with the MC, however the MC doesn’t know and so the dude kidnapped him. But the MC tried to escape then the dude finally lets him go (Also there’s snow and they’re in a cabin.) After the dude disappears and doesn’t come back and the MC finally realizes that he was in love with him, finally after so long he sees him at a train station. After following him (I think...) the dude tells him to strip if he really loves him and so he does and the sister is weirded out but the dude covers the MC before he takes off his pants, and then they leave. Sorry I know this is long but this manga has been on my mind for so long and I can’t stoping thinking about it, plus I can’t find it anywhere on my lists and I don’t know where it would be. Please help me. ╥﹏╥
