Seems to me the main pairing is Jin and Suu. And I liked Jin okay until he tortured Nadan and shattered his legs for nothing, because he KNEW the kid didn't do it. He knew when he lied (even stated he was a bad liar), so he knew he was telling the truth about being framed. But he had him tortured and his body broken anyway. At that point, I wanted to kicked his head in. The dragon at least is a dragon. He's not being malicious when he "eats" anymore than a lion eating a gazelle is malicious. Torturing Nadan was jealousy and malice.

And I suppose that Saharah might merge with Jin. They keep talking about how they are bound. Or he could just make rain and leave. Who knows.
I suspect Suu is royalty of some other kingdom, hence why his blood is "tasty." I originally thought he was going to be a dragon too, early on, but he never manifests, so I think his blood works because it is royal. So, where's THAT dragon? :D
I really like the Suu + Jin pairing but I’m wondering if it will be endgame at this point, with all the manipulation going on. I think Suu will either end up with the dragon or Jin will have to make some kind of ultimate sacrifice to prove that he really cares about Suu...