Age is just a number... and jail is just a room (I love this joke) I love reading this, I ...

Amela February 9, 2020 5:48 am

Age is just a number... and jail is just a room (I love this joke)
I love reading this, I don't fucking care about others' opinions, if I like it, I read it. No need to start arguing about something so insignificant.
The reason why I am liking this very much might be fucked up. I have Daddy issues. My father never loved me, so I am probably looking for any kind of affection from an older fictional character
When I was younger my father always humiliated me. An examle is like I was always a little fat, and he always said when I have my prom I won't be able to fit through the door.
Or when I was little and I got a cold or something he would always get so angry and swear at me and my mother, like it wasn't enough that I was sick. There is a lot more examples but this is enough. I started crying remembering it all.
Please just ignore this comment, I have no one I could tell this to so I just ranted here
