
Majime February 8, 2020 11:03 pm

I just read the first 18 pages of chapter 1 and this already hits me were it hurts... I too have an older brother, he's 5 years older than me. He left home to leave on his own 4 years ago and I didn't speak with him much since then, but neather him.
Even though we were pretty close when I was little now I look at him and see a stranger...
I don't say that I have feelings for him or something ahaha I'm just a little sad...

    miachan April 6, 2020 6:30 pm

    yeah me too, its sad when that happen

    aiyaaaaaaaa~ March 3, 2021 8:17 pm

    Yes certainly . I am the older one in ours. The age hierarchy of who is before whom has even been dismissed. I am utterly baffled to admit I love my brother so much but purely as a bro-sis thing. I literally think of him as my son even though I don't have that riped seniority. We are still in same home. I would definitely miss him if I won't get to see him. These siblings sovereignty stories do damn create liberal holes.