I like bishounens February 8, 2020 4:41 pm

Two highschool students were throw in a zombie apocalypse. They were close friends, one the cheerful, blonde type, and the other the aloof, black haired type. (Two bros chilling in a hot tub type of dynamic). Aloof friend is all cool and fighting zombies with no psychological fluctuation despite it being the apocalypse and blonde friend is impressed. However, aloof friend sees his father transformed into zombie and becomes vulnerable. Blonde friend gets infected instead of him and the two escape through a river and a forest. Black haired carries the blonde and says he won't let him go, he was the only reason he could keep his cool, he loved the blonde and without him there was no point anymore. When a rescue team arrives in the city, they see two zombies holding hands.
It was a side story in one of these mangas that have multiple stories. There were only two chapters dedicated to this couple. PLEASE HELP ME FIND. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL, I NEED TO REREAD. I thought I added it to my library, but I was so shaken I forgot.
