
damn thank you for this comment and for your time ! after reading up to ch. 28, i kinda began to think if i should continue... but after reading your thoughts, i guess i really shouldn't lol. i hate these kinds of plots and characters even though the mc's ability was really interesting which was the reason that caught my attention
I'm just gonna compile all my thoughts together after reading these recent chapters....dont mind me, just venting. 80% of what I'm saying in this comment is purely out of frustration. As you read on you will see discrepancies between some thoughts.
- Gayoung who was captured says she thought Roh was a good guy. - GIRL you and Soohyun was investigating Father Park's death and you didn't find it suspicious Roh came around?? Outa nowhere this dude wanna be buddy buddy with you and you just went with it?? You naive girl.
- "just because I'm blind doesnt mean I'm stupid" well you're stupid enough to believe Roh was a good person. So there you go. You've just been disproved.
- is Ching the ONLY ONE with a functioning brain out here?
- just kill Soohyun. Like I'm not even bothered anymore. He looks eager to die so grant him his wish. He's clearly on some level of dumb and incompetence. You was alright at the beginning, I sympathized and empathized a little, but grow a brain cell. That's all I'm asking. Have a brain at least so you as a main character can carry the weight of this webtoon. Otherwise im gonna petition for Ching to step up and take your position because clearly you're NOT accomplishing anything significant to deserve the main role. Even as a normal human without combat skills, how do you let yourself get BEAT? Dont normal humans know how to through a punch at least or dodge a punch at least? 5 years olds be out here punching each other and Soohyun can't even find the opportunity to lift his arm.
- just kill Gayoung. Otherwise give her a purpose. Right now she is just there to slow Soohyun down and be the damsel in distress. We dont need that shit, especially in a murdering storyline. If she's going to be part of the story, give her a purpose that makes me as a reader want her alive, because right about now I dont really care if she had been shot in that box.
- soohyun's ability in action is actually quite lame. Just standing there and LOOKING at people as they blow up. Tf? Where's the fun? I'm pretty sure there's a way to make his ability suited for action scenes, but the author failed to show it with these chapters. Everyone around them is throwing punches and getting all sweaty while Soohyun just stands there looking lol.
- the detective finally knows the truth. He can die happy now even if he cant pin the crimes to Soohyun. At least now he knows how Soohyun does the deed.
- getting scientific here but in what way does the biological body actually allow the head to naturally explode? Sure it looks cool that their heads and bodies exploded're pushing the biological body limit. We dont have mini explosives in our bodies lol.
And that's all the thoughts I had when I read ch 68 -79. Didnt wanna post several comments so went with a long one. Figured this was better than spamming several posts.