I absolutely love this manga, but it's so hard to read since it's giving me a sh*t load of...

silverglow February 7, 2020 6:13 pm

I absolutely love this manga, but it's so hard to read since it's giving me a sh*t load of anxiety. I used to be stuck in the same situation as Sungjoon throughout highscool and I forced myself to fall out of touch with this person when I left for university.
And now here I am 10 years later, not to mention married (and happy), and stuck in a loop for a week torturing myself with "what-if's".
At the same time, I can't stop reading. I'm probably a masochist.

    AQV February 8, 2020 12:13 pm

    Same here!! I got sooo much anxiety on the heavy chapter because I was once stuck in a situation like in the story as well. It's sort of uplifting to read that other people experience this too and wow congrats for your marriage!! I hope I'll get to meet someone to settle down too

    silverglow February 8, 2020 10:51 pm
    Same here!! I got sooo much anxiety on the heavy chapter because I was once stuck in a situation like in the story as well. It's sort of uplifting to read that other people experience this too and wow congrats ... AQV

    Thank you so much! And I don't want to sound clishé with a "it's gonna get better", but it's true. You will find someone that's gonna make you believe in soulmates. Don't be afraid to meet new people!