Ummm... Spoiler! (Duh...)
I advise you to not read this spoiler bc there are a few realy good plot twists and the author misleads us for a bit. But if you can't wait:
So, there are two groups of powerful beings that were created by a god (kinda like angels and demons, though it's different). The demon's purpose is to destroy worlds, the angels have to protect the worlds, the god is watching and enjoying the fighting and killing. The angels get fed up with that asshole-god and kill him to put and end to the fight. Only one of the angels stayed by gods side, was killed but was kinda reborn as "THE SHADOW SOVEREIGN".
And now, angels and demons have a final showdown and the demons chose earth as the place for it. Since earth has zero magical energy it would get completely destroyed in the fight, no matter which side wins. So the angels create the dungeons and hunters to slowly infuse earth with magic and to create at least a portion of humans who might survive. Those dungeons are inhibited by the underlings of the demons who were caught during earlier wars on other worlds.
He was kinda devastated (His master was an asshole, but is now dead, his former allies killed him, he has become the king of dead, etc.) But he gains an interest on the happenings on earth. Since he is too powerful he can not go there himself, so he needs a powerful vessel: Our glorious MC!
Jin-woo slowly gets infused with the Sh. Sover. Power and at some point takes on all of it so the original Sh. Sover. can finally find peace and die.
Then comes a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of fighting, death and time-turning. Then our MC kills all of the devils and:
(This is what you get when asking me to summarize a 270 chapter novel.)

Yes, the 'angels' had a magical devise that could turn back time. MC turns back time to before the portals first appeared and then went on to battle the 'demons' in a crack between the dimensions, so that no one on earth would be involved in the fights.
I'm really curious about the story rn, and im dont really have the time to read the LN