There's a difference between saying not being able to afford it is not an excuse to pirate and being against pirating in general.
The person you responded to even said "If you're not gonna pay, whatever,", they just had a problem with making excuses for it.
Saying you're being too poor to afford it is no excuse. If you can't afford it then you either shouldn't read it or just admit that what you're doing is wrong and move on.
Not having enough money for something doesn't make stealing it okay.

You do know you are particularly supporting piracy by just being here. Mangago wouldn't be here if not for the people visiting. You are in a liar of pirates, you are talking to walls here. The wast majority didn't come here from already bought chapters of any work, they came here because there's no payment wall. There's no payment wall for a lot of webcomics ether, just donation links. That's in my opinion better than a shitty company like Lezhin.
Go and make your own subreddit and enjoy the legal way of discussing the toon. The rest of us will stick with Mangago and toonkor

No it's not because you completely misunderstood what was said and I honestly don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp that very simple message.
Not having money to buy something is not a legitimate reason to steal. You can still pirate if you want to but stop using it as some kind of justification to steal. Our world doesn't work like this. Nobody here is having a problem with people pirating, but constantly using the same excuse to make it look like what we're doing here is perfectly fine is getting old and annoying.
And don't complain about shitty webtoon publishers while simultaneously praising a method that would make almost it impossible to earn enough money with drawing webtoons for many authors. Patreon donations are a good way of earning a living for some authors, but for most, especially those who don't draw NSFW comics, it would either mean the end of their career or simply more work combined with a less stable income.

I've not seen anyone saying they can't pay because they don't have the money during my whole read of this. These came up the moment some started butting in this topic. No one was making up reasons as they came to read, people occasionally said they bought the whole/chapter of PoN and no drama whatsoever. And how is it not a justifiable reason? Some are years away from having their own way of paying for the stuff they like. Not paying now doesn't mean they won't do so in the future. Sorry if I don't have such high morale, but not everyone is on the same economic stand like you. Some excuses don't change is because they aren't an excuse, it's the actual reason why they can't get a hold of the toon or anything like it.
No problem with the pirates? Not since this latest flare, I've seen this comment section trough. Pirates are the reason why works like these have so many western followers (also from Africa). They also net additional people who WILL pay, so BD hating on illegal sharing is rather funny. If not for piracy I can safely say I probably would never get in touch with ether subbed anime/manga/such. Even for stuff I actually paid, I might have never known it if I hadn't pirated it first.
No I won't stop praising that method. I've not liked Lezhin for years, and I have 0 will to even go on their site/app ever again. Artists already called them out that they aren't earning much via it. With patreon artist can get a much bigger fraction of the viewers/donners. I also don't see why artists can't get money per click, webcomics use this method. No paywall at all, donations are open for extra cash, everyone is happy. But Lezhin would be at the loss ofc, and that can't happen, can it...

Nothing makes stealing ok, if we want to get real here. It doesn't make sense for anyone to be able to tell others which reasons are ok to read these pirated works or not, nor what they must do to read them, like 'admit it'.. Also, the whole quote was " If you're not gonna pay, whatever, but there's no justification for reading and not payin.." So my point remains, everyone here on this site is reading pirated works.. If there are those that strongly oppose it, why are they on this site? To discuss? I don't believe anyone discusses and never reads anything on this site.
If I get this correct the author has said they are dropping the work bc of one person who shared an illegal site? I think this is a rather illogical reason because people will always rip regardless, on illegal sites (Mangago is one, so don't play innocent) and instagram as a very popular place too. This happens to most works too. And I also don't believe that Korea is unfamiliar with them. But this little drama WILL get her more money this month for sure. The same thing happened with Killing Stalking and some other toons, NONE were dropped, I assure you.
I am personally not riled up. If you have money and like the work, support the artist. It is the right thing to do. But don't force others to do it. We are all here on this platform to read free works. Which are not in reality free at all. I always find people who suddenly seek justice on this topic to be more of hypocrites than anything (didn't you guys not notice the Lezhin logos in the beginning and end till now?). Some younger people wouldn't even have a way of paying, you need cards for that stuff. And some parents wouldn't allow it.
Also her dropping it? I highly doubt it. She won an award for PoN. It's her income of money. It's sites like these that actually net even more people to buy these comics. I know I would have never known for these if not for sites like Mangago, hell I probably wouldn't have know about anime till much later if I hadn't watched those pirate sites back in the day. As I said before, just imagine how many people bought the chapter after that twitter fiasco?
This is my two cents on this topic. It has happened before. Will anyone stop reading via Mangago after this? Doubt it. Don't feel guilty about this, but do buy a chapter or two if you have money to spare. We've had Lezhin logos and the translator telling us where to buy it legally for awhile now, my dudes.....