don’t care what y’all said but she’s one of the best MC

shimi February 6, 2020 5:06 pm

Dan-I is being mean and rude, yes, but it’s not for no reason. Her action is not right but I get it why she did that. For the whole time she knew the blonde, she had been subtly avoiding him but no matter what she did, it doesn’t seem to be working.

She feel like she’s being forced, being dragged down into yet another problem that had randomly appeared bcoz of some boy that’s weirdly attached to her. She had tried so many ways to avoid it but it’s not working and she’s tired of it, tired of having no control over her life and so she snapped

    surei February 6, 2020 6:33 pm

    right, also she probably knew that once they listen to the blonde's story, they'll be targeted as well. And the least she wants is to have her and her friends in danger

    Shameless February 6, 2020 7:52 pm

    Yeah, it was rude, but she did what she had to do. AND, with the way things are going, I feel like Ruda may respect Dani even more after her saying that. Like, we know the universe won't let her get away... she agreed his eyes looked like a monster, and the shady men also called him a monster. But hearing Dani say it flipped a happy switch. AND I THINK THE KEY may be when she said it'd be a headache for her to hear BUT ALSO a headache for him to explain. I think that part could be a catalyst to him forming an even deeper opinion of her.
    I'm sure no matter what she does, trying to break flags will just plant new ones.

    Anonymous February 7, 2020 7:01 am

    I think it also has to with Dan-I's fear that if the mc's get closer and get to a new plot she won't be able to follow along with her friends, cuz in her mind she's just a side character