Damn I’m sad that the good girl died and perhaps Karino was too.

T-Chan lol February 5, 2020 6:02 pm

My theory pretty much checks out. Karino has antisocial personality disorder (he’s a sociopath) and Azusa (maybe) has Narcissistic Personality disorder. Both treatable but not curable and that shit is just really sad.

    Butterflyinwinter February 5, 2020 6:07 pm

    Ogawa confirmed that he's not a sociopath , he's just very cautious of people and doesn't let just anyone in. And Azusa is normal just an asshole from time to time. That's all.

    Shinozaki Sachiko February 5, 2020 7:15 pm
    Ogawa confirmed that he's not a sociopath , he's just very cautious of people and doesn't let just anyone in. And Azusa is normal just an asshole from time to time. That's all. Butterflyinwinter


    Butterflyinwinter February 5, 2020 7:22 pm

    Some people at the conference in China asked her all of these questions, she just laughed and said that we're all overthinking it. And added the part I wrote up there. She didn't use those words exactly but yeah close enough XD

    T-Chan lol February 5, 2020 7:32 pm
    Ogawa confirmed that he's not a sociopath , he's just very cautious of people and doesn't let just anyone in. And Azusa is normal just an asshole from time to time. That's all. Butterflyinwinter

    You are absolutely right but Karino just shows all of the signs and as a person who’s spent a lot of time with sociopaths (perhaps too much), Karino reminded me of some of them a lot and this chapter did too. Then again personality disorders are complex and having characteristics and actually having a personality disorder are different. He probably is just some way along that spectrum. Azusa definitely is just a cocky, (vain), ass.