Sorry but who made you an expert on homosexuality? Be a male gay man does not make you an expert. There are millions of others, some more "masculine", other more "feminine". Some reversible, others not. Some like crossdressing, others don't. Some like to act in ways that today is perceived as "female" but you now what? True freedom is acting as you like! If a gay man likes to be called mother is his prerogative and his right. This reversed closed-minded is equal bad to people who hates LGBT people. Sterotypes like "oh pink is a color for females","this is a word for females" is exactly another face of racism. In your opinion a phrase that was used for females is insulting if used to a male. Right.....

And why been called wife or mother is a bad thing? So you say that up to now these words are "insulting" so they should not be used to a male, only a female? Or you are saying that they represent female attributes that are not compatible to male? Sorry, the only troubled thought I see here is yours. Ideas, words, colors and attitudes should be free and the genre sterotypes must be broken in order to have a place for everyone and his/her individuality. Why males should not be mothers? Or female fathers? It is up to them.

Actually no. Mother (if you speak to a psychologist) is has a more deep connection to a child (not only for the birth factor but mostly as the one that takes care and helps the child survive and grow). That is why there are plenty of literature/art/folklore about how sad and deep is mother's loss. So in patriarchy women assumed this role completely (well unlike penguins for example). So I do not agree that the preexisting boxes should be used to store the new circumstances. There are no female/male guidelines. A male is not less of a male if he wears dresses or pants, if he is called mother or father, if he is weaker or stronger in physical strength. The gender stereotypes must be demolished. And if you think about it the only reason that you hate is because deep down you think a) a female world is for an inferior role b) You are strangely believe that a "female" word is a threat to the masculinity (straight or gay)

You just twisted my words to your benefit. I say the exact opposite. That the role mother can be bestowed to a parent of an adoptive child or a male in a male gay couple. And sorry but father role (I am talking about hetero couples) is a different role. That is why there fathers that are envious of the mothers and their relationship with the child. There are studies about it. Also fathers that are jealous of the children (as they feel threatened for their place they have in their partner's heart). Read these articles and studies. So you are a gender conformist when you say that mothers are only females. Also there are yaois that the crossdresser is the Seme. I remember at least 2 now, but not the titles. The first is with 2 people talking in a bar, and the second is with 2 students where the uke reads many manga and meets the seme as a girl but does not recognize him at first. I have not an issue with a male gay couple that had a child and one of them wants to be called mother, or if they want to be called fathers. It is their right to do as they please. Words do not have a negative meaning in them, we go e a negative meaning to them.

I know you are trolling. People don’t take this person seriously. Think about the common sense. This person gets online and gets on an omegaverse, And Starts talking randomly about how a Man shouldn’t be called a ‘mother’ Sounds pretty homophobic to me. I hate to be this type of person, but.. look in situations like these that is where the word ‘fiction’ comes in. Omegaverse will always be in a fanfic/manga not referring to the real world. Also.. I admit that I took this person seriously too. No, I am NOT defending rape stereotypes. I just wanna get my point across. Btw, Carol. I know you. You that fake feminist From down the street. Your favorite quote is ‘Your raping me!’ Even though that person was just trying to arrest you from doing illegal stuff. I see you (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
I love the mother thing just as byul calls Heesung mama in love is a illusion. It's sweet. Don't like? Don't read. Bye Becky.