If you meant that jokingly. I understand.
But if you meant that... that is your opinion, everyone one has one.
Could you read these
This is Mine... if you just want to read one read Mi Amore, anon’s

Apparently people are assuming things without knowing what tf I'm talking about as per usual. I expected better of the other person though. Sad. I'm not talking about him lying to him obviously. If I called him scum because of that that would go against everything else I've ever said on this site after all. I'm talking about his pushy behavior both in the past and now. As for Maa's definition of scum: Just because someone isn't as violent of a r@pist as someone else doesn't mean they aren't a rapist. Odd? No. Oh and your remarks, about not having been homeless and such doesn't mean you can't understand homelessness or the other situations, are not only proving even further that you're not understanding what I meant (I never said you only had to be scum to understand what scummy behavior is, but it is likely that that is the only way you can know something like that without having to witness the behavior yourself. How do I know that? Because I've been homeless and I know far more quickly that another person is homeless without having to actually witness behavior associated with it, and far more often, than one who hasn't been homeless), you also missed the part where Hangyum HIMSELF implied that he was the same as Haejee with that grimace at the end (I am aware the translation is off but my point stands. Thanks.). Next time please ask before assuming I'm talking about something that I myself would find is acceptable behavior (lying to keep someone from being hurt) when I'm not (pushy almost bordering on non consensual behavior instead). It would be much appreciated.

LinZen, Torakaze did not assume... “
If you meant that jokingly. I understand.
But if you meant that... that is your opinion, everyone one has one.
Could you read these ”. Tora said if you meant that or meant that. And ask you gently to read. I am sorry Tora did not assume. No on said you said anything about him lying? Those were word a day or two ago. Yes that would go against everyone I think me and Tora establish if lairs are scum then everyone is scum.
As for My definition of scum is from google search. But not sure about these remarks “Just because someone isn't as violent of a r@pist as someone else doesn't mean they aren't a rapist. Odd? No. Oh and your remarks, about not having been homeless and such doesn't mean you can't understand homelessness or the other situations, are not only proving even further that you're not understanding what I meant”
I fear when people feel attacked they turn words around and meanings. They feel like everything is directed at them when it wasn’t. I fear this is a case of that.
(I never said you only had to be scum to understand what scummy behavior is, but it is likely that that is the only way you can know something like that without having to witness the behavior yourself.” First you did. “ takesonetoknowonerightHangyum”.
Takes one to know one right Hangyum. Right? In the context of this story... that means takes one scum or know another scum.
As for either being one or witness the behavior Tora message was saying that.
Hangyum says something else in Korean, Tapas changed it. And a grimace could meant something else then implying him.
Again Tora did not assume. Tora was not attacking you. These messages were not directed at but too help others know what they are saying when they call Hangyum twisted scum/scum.
I have learned when people feel attacked, Do you lash out and turning words around, twisting words. I sometimes wish they would calm down before posting and re read because it maybe different from what they thought. In times like these, QTIP ... Quit taking it personal. I am sorry for your hardships. I am sorry you took Torakaze and our messages wrong. I am sorry for the negatively in this situation. Torakaze meant no harm and was trying to help. It can’t be negative all the time. Always look for the positive.

Oh!!! Oops!! FMF. Is secret code... nothing about anyone. Sorry MAA. I don’t want another misunderstanding. Ditto =I agree (thank you for helping) FMF means Funky Monkey Freedom. Which depends on how and when it is used could change the meaning. Here it means I am chill, I am not taking action because I believe MAA did a good job.