
This is the first BL comic that discusses the trauma of rape and abuse in a clear cut way and the writer doesn’t sugarcoat anything and doesn’t make the protagonist forgive his rapist and fall in love with them nor do they make the violent abuser automatically a good guy. It’s actually one of the most realistic story on here but bc he’s hot some people will find every way to justify his actions and feel bad for’s actually wild to me
Of Jihyun stans finding everything and anything wrong with Kyujin and what he does besides what his actions and thoughts say. He has no ulterior motives towards Chiwoo and was his very first friend even before feelings got involved. His friendship clearly means a lot to Chiwoo based on what he tells a Jihyun about being able to move on from his trauma. Kyujin literally says his heart aches for Chiwoo and he just wants him to be happy. There are 3 chapters left and I promise you, Kyujin is not the psycho you want him to be. He’s a nice guy who just happened to get placed between a situation he has no idea about.
He probably doesn’t even know the full extent of Jihyun and Chiwoos past, but all in all he literally says he just wants Chiwoo to be happy. He’s not gonna force his feelings on him, so I’m lost why ppl think he’s treating this like a game, he was literally assaulted by Jihyun and almost had his limbs broken, if he’s happy that Jihyuns psychopath ass is gone, then that’s his right, but he’s not happy about what it’s done to Chiwoo. I’m sorry your ship didn’t sail, but please enough projecting. There was only one villain in this story and it was Jihyun and his dad too if you wanna be technical