I doubt this would have happen if you hadn't lied or killed his ex-bff.....

Mici Angels February 3, 2020 12:50 pm

I highly doubt XXC would have wanted to kill XY if he confessed who he was, a year or so into their relationship. If he was honest into telling him he wanted a family and that he felt happy, I think all 4 would have been alive. I would have paid to see XXC actually protecting XY from SL once he arrives, that would have been the cutest.
Now he's back into denial. Being dead is better than the living XXC? Yeah, keep talking. No one believes that bs, even yourself XY....
Bye bye domestic Yi city, see you in the donghua TT0TT

    maychan February 3, 2020 6:48 pm

    he never wanted a family though, he wanted to mass around and abuse XXC cause he see it has fun.

    Mici Angels February 3, 2020 7:36 pm
    he never wanted a family though, he wanted to mass around and abuse XXC cause he see it has fun. maychan

    Says the person who thinks being an orphan on the streets is better than being in a brother with a mum.....sure, I believe you 1000%

    maychan February 4, 2020 2:35 am
    Says the person who thinks being an orphan on the streets is better than being in a brother with a mum.....sure, I believe you 1000% Mici Angels

    yap now you are really dumb if you think so. I never said it, been an orphan or not been an orphan have nothing to do with massacre and abuse but I"m not. that's all it is really.

    Mici Angels February 4, 2020 2:57 am
    yap now you are really dumb if you think so. I never said it, been an orphan or not been an orphan have nothing to do with massacre and abuse but I"m not. that's all it is really. maychan

    ' I"m not even talking about Jin Guangyao's childhood that again is much worse then XY by miles away.'
    JGY's childhood = at a brothel with his mother. XY's childhood=on the streets getting beaten up and losing a finger for wanting food.
    His childhood has everything to do with the massacre and his behaviour. That's nurture.