To BongoCat and MotherRussia, stop being so obsessed with this drama. All you guys do is camp on this page and argue with people who don't agree with you. Hell, that Bongocat called me a villain for disagreeing with her and called herself an isekai MC! Now, this MotherRussia thinks that I'm all the anonymous people on this comments section. Even though some clear disagree with one another. You guys are insane.

omg Karen, dont act innocent after harassing Bongocat.
This is you literally dragging down Bongocat, claiming that I was her. How would you know me and Bongo are connected if you hadnt been stalking us aggressively. How would you have known about the isekai comment. You two were the only ones on the thread that gave a shit about it and even made a meme to make bongo angry, to which she was like, Idgaf.
And this is the proof that you all harassed her. Multiple links included as evidence. and the 17 likes show that no one is lauging at your inside jokes. Dont start to act triggered and victimized when the thread is gone because I will bring it again.
At what stage of delusion are you that you dont know what harassment is and is confident enough to write this comment and garner sympathy

Dude... That person was an anonymous user... I was at work. That thread was from like 9 hours ago, how have you been in this comments section for so long?
Well, yeah. Why would I not think she's you when you suddenly came out of nowhere and started accusing me of random things, right after I blocked Bongocat???
The isekai comment IS ON THE FRONT PAGE. I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO POSTED IT. I can link you to the front page discussion, bruh.
The 17 likes...? What...? MotherRussia, please don't be so obsessed with this translator drama. You're really starting to make me feel sympathy for you too. I mean, nine hours on this page?

Sure you were sweetie. Sure... *genuine eyeroll* I genuinely feel second hand embarassment for your delusion. Anyone can be anonymous... but anyone can also use anonymity to harass someone for an issue long buried in the comments. I literally saw you accuse MotherRussia as being BongoCat. And only you and account user Anon were the ones talking about it. Who else could it be. Considering Bongos own thread has 17 likes to 1 dislike... no one is gonna believe that theres some other bloke that cares enough to join your squabbling auntie harassment team. Like I geniuinely feel ashamed for those that interact with you in real life, if constant personal attack is how you treat those that debate with you.
I'm here to clear things up just in case. Scroll down a little and you can find MotherRussia randomly accusing me of this:
"Also if u meet any anonymous user in ur thread, its most likely 2seung and their friend. They got roast by my friend Bongocat for harrassing readers so they dont dare to use their accounts and they cant write with newly made accounts for thirty days"
Scroll through the whole comments section and you can see that there are tons of people who are anonymous. Who disagree with each other. But somehow, MotherRussia thinks they're all me. I rarely come on here until this hour when I'm off work and get the update notification.
I've told BongoCat to not be so invested in this drama because she (and MotherRussia, apparently) are always getting so riled up by it. Honestly, I don't get how those two can camp on here constantly. Don't they have school or work?
And that roasted part... Bruh. Let me explain to everyone. Some guy saw my talk with BongoCat, where BongoCat called herself an isekai MC while I was the villainness for disagreeing. They found it hilarious, so they made it into a meme and posted it on the front page. Several people found it funny. How's that my problem?
Also, I don't know MotherRussia. Oddly, after blocking BongoCat, that user has been randomly dragging me into things. Same person? Take what you will from this.
Essentially, MotherRussia and BongoCat are weirdos who keep thinking that anyone who disagrees with them is me and the guy who made BongoCat into a meme. z_z I really am not that invested in a drama that isn't even mine, but these two evidently are.