Yeah not a big fan of her either, but I feel it's also how she's been brought up and conditioned (see how mr white treats her). She does seem pretty selfish, the wanting to keep athy for herself as well as what you brought up with Claude, being aware of athys situation yet still regularly meeting up with him. It seems like she just wants to keep these relationships to herself with her as the sole focus..doesnt seem lik a lot is going on in her head lol
who'd have thought? well, maybe Jennette should have! (1) a strange guy suddenly approaches her, a lone girl that obviously came from a wealthy fam, and points out to her what to give to her friend (2) there is magic in their world, if she had any presence of mind at all, given her position, she wouldn't accept anything from a stranger at all, much less someone who went out of their way to seem approachable.
I do not like Jennette, no matter how "good" she is in the perspective of Athy. Coz (1) she's horribly naive for someone who grew up thinking that she's a hidden princess (bcs, cmon, POLITICS dearie) (2) she's self-centered, as can be seen by the strange focus on herself in her dialogues (3) if she really did want to help Athy then she'd have brought Athy up when she's with Claude, but she's too scared to do it (please, some concern can be understood seeing as she was invited to Athy's tea parties). I have a couple more but those are just the ones on top of my head right now.