I’m screaming
Bl rec
I’m trying to find this bl jp manga which I read about 3 years ago I have...
bangs head on wall
friendly reminder
Hi. I need help. I can't find this manga for the life of me. It's basically...
somebody recommend a good well-written novel pls it can be about anything
Killing Stalking is sickeningly peak
Do you get second hand emmbrasment
I think it’s up to chapter 16 on here. A boy with blonde hair and a boy with black hair become brothers as their parents get together and they move into the same house. The guy with black hair ends up falling in love with blonde hair guy who has a boyfriend. The guy w black hair (sunjoo or sunwoo maybe?) has a scar on his shoulder from where his dad stabbed him when he was a kid. Forgot the name and didn’t save it! ;;