Well maybe her fiancè from the future will appear or another ML and the brothers will be like the ones in lady baby like get away from my little sister XD
Cause even though they aren't related she is still adopted so they can't get married or anything and their parents will be shocked and it will turn into another genre and story XD
I have faith in PLUTUS who made a princess is GREAT and many surprises were there like she nvr heard about luca in the original story yet he is there and we all love him so maybe this time i don't know someone will appear
Well maybe her fiancè from the future will appear or another ML and the brothers will be like the ones in lady baby like get away from my little sister XD
Cause even though they aren't related she is still adopted so they can't get married or anything and their parents will be shocked and it will turn into another genre and story XD
I have faith in PLUTUS who made a princess is GREAT and many surprises were there like she nvr heard about luca in the original story yet he is there and we all love him so maybe this time i don't know someone will appear