
Iryz February 1, 2020 8:31 am

OK, I mean. I'm not thrilled about this story, I backed off at first, but the only thing that's going to keep me going is that BOTH are dense idiots.
I mean, I think people is taking too much the side of the girl and if it's rape or not. Eh... It was wrong that the "consent" was asked just before penetration and not before. The reason was stupid, and blaming alcohol for the actions is lousy writing.
BUT it's just a bad story I guess, I'll like to see where this ends (although with the cliché flags the author has given, I can pretty much guess the outcome)

TMI ahead, read at your own discretion:

BTW, It feels awful to be fingered in the position he did in the theater hahaha and that's all I could think about at that scene. Fucking knuckles are painful and fingers won't go as deep XD anyway
Don't take stories so personal, didn't like it? Move on :3

    Biohazard February 1, 2020 9:52 am

    100% agree, couldn't say it better myself, story itself is lazy but now I wanna know the end.