Robots fear the Wii

PoniesAndCupcakes January 31, 2020 9:13 am

Did no one else notice the punishment remote is just a Wii remote
Like I jokingly said before continuing the chapter when I saw it that;
"What is the robot gonna break a dish and you're just gonna be like; 'ALRIGHT WII SPORTS RESORT IT IS THEN-' and Eiji is just gonna start crying as he plays frisbee on the Wii?" And then he broke a dish and I literally just went "well shit Wii deca sports is nex-"

    LilTinyVamp June 26, 2020 2:06 pm

    I watched a 6’3” man with Parkinson’s and a faulty Wii remote play Wii sports resort and he still wasn’t as clumsy as Eiji XD