CosAniMan January 30, 2020 7:47 pm

Never like Able's sister from the beginning cause she was too clingy as is. This was all because the mother was feeding her ideas that she would be marrying Able of the bat, BUT THAT IS NEVER THE CASE. Since for one thing EW INCEST which is wrong in the first place and two he has the capability of FALLING IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. Like I am surprised that Able and the sister were born NORMAL cause their parents are also siblings.

    holybell January 30, 2020 11:01 pm

    I mean it's someone's (fictional albeit) culture, so we can't say/convince them something is wrong or right for the most part.

    Yeah, the mom was wrong in raising her with that idea, but that was their norm and she had no way of predicting he didn't think like everyone else in their tribe.

    Also incest (like actual reproduction between close relatives) does not automatically result in malformed/developed children. It increases the chances of some genes (that are usually not used/expressed like the horrible defects and diseases) of being expressed. So them having "normal" kids isn't really a surprise. But there is no way that there isn't someone there with a debilitating condition because of incest. Basically, incest is ok when you start a new popuplation (gotta work with what you have), but not after multiple generations lol. You are just asking for trouble.

    CosAniMan January 31, 2020 12:42 am
    I mean it's someone's (fictional albeit) culture, so we can't say/convince them something is wrong or right for the most part. Yeah, the mom was wrong in raising her with that idea, but that was their norm and ... holybell

    I get what you are saying and I understand it. Cause to be totally honest back in the past of the human race incest was not uncommon a practiced quite a lot within noble standings because they wanted to keep their lineage true and noble. Then yes if you are in a situation where you need to create a new population then it would be fine to resort to that, I guess. But when you are in a fully populated town where there are multiple people that are not related by blood then there is no need to resort to incest.

    holybell January 31, 2020 6:54 pm
    I get what you are saying and I understand it. Cause to be totally honest back in the past of the human race incest was not uncommon a practiced quite a lot within noble standings because they wanted to keep th... CosAniMan

    Yeah. People need to understand that new traditions can be done and they may (in this case are definitely) better for everyone as a whole.

    click February 8, 2020 3:59 pm
    I mean it's someone's (fictional albeit) culture, so we can't say/convince them something is wrong or right for the most part. Yeah, the mom was wrong in raising her with that idea, but that was their norm and ... holybell

    I think i agree with you, well you can't change culture that easy

    click February 8, 2020 4:01 pm

    I think her mother not the one who be blame more the tradition it self what can you do about itu anyway