Lol are you sirious?! After all this rape and suffering and all what romance should be here ?! The author should be hella sick and twisted to make the have romance . Honestly the art is gold but the story is boring as hell I want only seungho to die and leave his victims alone I don’t want anymore to see where the story will go

Lol, another one who hate Seungho to death and wish for him to die in horrible suffering... Omg... Why so much hate? Why do you keep reading for this sad reason? Is there any better, fluffier story for you to enjoy?
Is this sado, Is this maso? (I already see that you can befriend with some people here...).
Why the need to speak ill about the Author? What did they do to you personally?This is THEIR story and jus a work of fiction, why cursing people, why so rude?
What's sure is Hate and bitterness make people ugly and older.
To the people complaining that the sex is getting excessive/pointless/nonsense... Trust me all this sex is contributing HUGELY to the plot and character development.
Nakyum got severely sick, probably inner tearing and bleeding. He passed out while crying in the middle of sex with Yoon and he has been in a coma for 4 days straight because of his injury.
Rape in this story is not romanticized at all and we are also seeing how it completely destroys a person's mind and body.
The old servant man is getting more attention as well. He shows that he is genuinely concerned about Nakyum, being by his side and taking care of him when he's ill. He even risks Yoon's anger to order expensive medicines for Nakyum (we may see more about this detail in the next chapter, I hope Yoon won't hurt the kind man huhuhuhu).
Yoon himself is starting to show even more obsessive behaviors towards Nakyum. He's no longer interested in sex with other men.
Long story short, yes, the sex may seem long and 'unnecessary'. BUT, it's tightly woven into the plot and characters, so just keep reading because this story will surprise you.