From what I understood, it's a bit like female hyenas. Their clitoris is bigger than the male penis. So basically a female alfa has a "penis" where they would be able to ejaculate from and a vagina.
I still wonder how the male omegas give birth. I mean, they constantly say how is possible to get pregnant but never really made much sense... I decided to think it as a cloaca.

It happened!!! Sort of... I mean... it's only one page but at least it's out there. I hope the mangaka decides to make this into another manga... kind of a prequel? It would be nice

It's easier for the female alpha to impregnate a male omega since the semen is "harder" (?). All alphas(being male or female) have a dick (on female's is something that comes out, it's not like a normal penis), while all omegas (being male or female) have wombs. Although there can be alterations since the fact that male omegas can have a special hole in between the scutum and the anus that would work as a vagina at the moment of giving birth.
In my case I keep wondering about a Female Alfa with a Male Omega. Who would get pregnant?
In Omegaverse, the author pretty much creates the rules. I have seem stories where betas can't procreate with omegas/alfas (it's just not really common) and others where they can and I have seem a couple of stories saying a female alfa and a male omega can both, impregnate and get pregnant. While one may say it's hard for a male omega to impregnate and much easier to get pregnant, another may say nothing at all or say it's hard to procreate in general.
I like the idea of having some kind of limitation but wonder what would be more plausible. It would also be fun to see that couple. Especially if the male omega is the pregnant one and the female alfa is very dotting and overprotective.
What do you think?