I can understand why people would call them seme and uke. They can't use he/she or FL/ML or girl/boy because there's no female lead. Using MC can be confusing because most of the time, the story goes through the POV of both characters so both of them are the MC. I've seen people use blonde and brunette before but descriptions like black-haired/white haired can get pretty long.

I know I've done this and I know I probably will again. I only ever say it when it's mentioned in the story that there's roles, and when I can't remember their names, and im describing it like 'the blonde uke'. Literally mean nothing from it haha. You can't tell people to stop doing something just because you don't like it, especially when they're not using the terms as something offensive.

you are RIGHT and you should say it. u didnt deserve all those dislikes. tbh its not that hard to either learn names or use an identifying feature like Dark haired guy, tan guy, blue eyed guy, taller guy, tattooed guy, etc etc there's SO Many ways to identify them beyond sexual positions and its rly reductive and ofc people do it not just out of laziness but also because they do legit see them as their positions. the top is the Male Role and the bottom is the Female Role even if they dont say this, its always implied in how they talk about the characters or their relationship. its heteronormative bs and im tired of it tbh. it sucks that u cant even bring it up without people dismissing ur point or becoming defensive. this is why most gay guys cant stand BL and most queer people dont like fujoshis period (anyone who self identifies as one is weird af tbh)

yw sis. I, much like Sailor Moon, fight for love and justice. lol. but seriously the fact that u were talking about stories that dont even HAVE any sex in them makes it even more gross. like i think its gross period but the excuse "well i cant remember their names so its easier..." makes NO sense when their "positions" arent even established in the narrative.
it would take more brain cells to figure out what person likes what than it would to describe them by hair color. and that ofc begs the question of how do these readers even decide among themselves who is in what position? Oh wait let me guess, its decided immediately based on shallow perceptions of the characters influenced by boring hetero ideas of gender expression and sexuality? am i right? smh.

what about me comparng myself to Sailor Moon sounded serious to u? but also ya im sick of boring takes by the Str8s who read BL and venting isnt "being too serious" its just expressing my opinion same as anyone else can. if u have something to say go ahead but dont pop in here just to tell me or someone else that they need to calm down. if its not a big deal 2 u then u can also say nothing~

Im in the conversation, I keep getting notifications from it, I also didn't tell you to calm down and I didn't tell you you couldn't say your opinion aha. Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to shut you down or something like that. Not my intention at all.
As your opinion is what you've said, mine is that you're taking it a bit serious when it's just people using cues to remember the character. Ofc its on people just being ignorant with foreign names which is another whole issue.
Also had to nit pick this little bit, I'm gay, not straight. Lmao

i wasnt making presumptions about ur sexuality so im sorry if u thought that (im also queer) but explaining why it was annoying to me. its fine if people struggle with names, altho sometimes it rly is as easy as scrolling up to the summary on the same page where it often says both main characters names. (not always!) and luckily in a written format u dont need ot be able to pronounce a korean or japanese name in order to just copy it. also even if thats too hard, its still ez to just use physical descriptors. but the main reasons that it bugs me isnt semantic but because people doing this often boils down characters to their sexual positions and from those positions people make all kinds of assumptions about who they are or what their role in the story should be. obv all the badly written BL is to blame for this as well but yeah, it rly wears on my nerves. i think i wouldnt notice as much if BL wasnt so hugely popular on this site and thus impossible to escape from....(but i also read BL too so im not trying to actively avoid it lol). anyway in the past when people mention this as an issue its common for others to hop in just to dismiss them or get defensive so i assumed u were doing the same thing for w/e reason. anyway i prob shouldnt care as much as i do but it is an unfortunate reflection of how queer identity is treated in general esp from like cultures that arent as accepting of queer identities...which is alot of countries...so many...
Can people please stop referring to characters in shounen ai as seme or uke. Shounen ai is non explicit meaning there are no set “positions” for the characters. I actually don’t like it when people refer to characters as seme or uke at all cus that just degrades them to a sex object. Sure it’s okay with story’s that have no substance, that are just pure smut, but for BL with actual stories I believe even just referring as characters by “mc” or “love interest” is fine. Idk that’s just me tho