
Link to spoilers:

Shiiiiit, that means it's definitely going the "I can change the route of the story, wowza" revelation route after all, she'll see that even red head likes her when she's a maid and be like "Oh ma gad, it's possible for me to love him publicly after all" like come on dred, when it's executed well it's great but ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ oh well
All that drama for her to still be a maid, but at least Alejandro didn't attempt to see her at all in those 3 years, so yay for growth. Finally, he'll be 19 when they meet again
Alright, I saw spoilers for the future chapters based on the novel and yea, Ibelina is um, well yall look at the spoilers yourself. Hate that the writer decided to take this route.