You are right I think i read or (mostly) stopped to read more thank 60 manhwa in these last years and %98 of them is so sexist and have lost of raoe scene. İ was shock first and thought i am biased. But now , after that much experience i think something is wrong with their mind or their readers enjoy this bad style. There are so many stupid girl, fast pace, obsessive boyfriends, weir misunderstanding etc. Also many Japanese shouju mangas have same problem ,maybe they try to make FM "pure" but it usually doesn't go further than "idiot" and "crybaby" stage. As a result i think three -four times before i start to read Chinese manhwa. Only few of them was good in 60/70
Chinese manhuas are always just so hateful, and super over exaggerated that It's not evn funny and it always put me in a bad mood
chinese comics are always so sexist
I have only seen just 2 or 3 that arent like this