
Thank you so much for all the time and energy you and the team put into translating the novel. It is pretty much the best novel I have ever read and without you I would never have been able to read it. I'm sorry people are so hateful but I am thankful from the bottom of my heart you took on such a mammoth task to share what an amazing story MDZS is. I just wanted to say thank you.
Please don't send death threats, harsh comments, wrongful reports to the haters. Don't degrade yourself to their level, y'all better than that.
On another note, this decision wasn't made solely because of some random entitled/envious/asshole persona. We have been receiving hates ever since we started the novel(which is almost 3 years alr), but we decide to keep them as secret because we mean no harm to anyone and think no one deserves what we have been through. However, we are still human beings with emotion, we feel hurt, we feel pain, we feel underappreciated, and this is our last straw. It's too much to continue something when your inbox filled with +100 hate mails because of some random typo or one-line joke.
Thanks everyone for sticking around with us for so long, but we have come to decision that our mental health need love too. Don't send hate, but rather go support the author for making such amazing work of art.
Ra peace out (●'◡'●)ノ
P/s: Go visit our website, we translate other novels too. World of danmei isn't just Modao.