
Soti January 24, 2020 9:32 pm

Now that the main couple have had their union, I don't have time to read about the second couple, especially cos Hyun is the one Jung liked. Let me go read some other manga.

    Hopeless_shipper January 25, 2020 8:47 pm

    Are they gonna stop being the protags??? I thought that Yoon and hyungs live story would be like a side it gonna transfer to them now???

    Soti January 27, 2020 2:49 pm
    Are they gonna stop being the protags??? I thought that Yoon and hyungs live story would be like a side it gonna transfer to them now??? Hopeless_shipper

    It seems they want to give them their own story but seeing that Jung left Attack cos he found out he was in love with Hyun, it isn't fair to him that he has to watch he and Yoon all lovey-dovey. That is just my opinion though. Hyun doesn't seem to have a good character and I don't want him to my main couple any sort of stress.