The word choices....used

Jaemin January 24, 2020 7:43 pm

As someone who has read the manga in it's original language, I must say in some scenes the word choices seem too vulgar for the situation. I understand in Japanese it has a indirect way of saying things and so sometimes it can't be translated in any other way than than being direct. But still that scene..."I want to fuck her," in chapter 7 sounds strange to me. Oh well, he did literally say that. This is only one of the smut manga I am willing to read.

    Glevauve January 25, 2020 10:28 pm

    I get what you mean. That scene made me pause too.

    But on the other hand, I could understand his sentiment: you just want to be with the person you're attracted to, and be intimate and have sex with them. Thinking it out loud makes you feel crude but that's a natural desire to have towards someone you're attracted to.

    Something along those lines

    Jaemin January 26, 2020 5:49 am

    I concur, I was thinking on the same lines. I wish I could give you a like. I'm just so used to reading Japanese written in such an indirect way that reading it in English takes me by surprise eventhough I know it's meaning is the same.

    Glevauve January 26, 2020 10:27 am
    I concur, I was thinking on the same lines. I wish I could give you a like. I'm just so used to reading Japanese written in such an indirect way that reading it in English takes me by surprise eventhough I know... Jaemin

    Man good on you
    I WISH I could read Japanese. Then I wouldn't have to wait so long TwT for chapter releases